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What’s new in BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2016 SP1

The new features and improvements of Meridian Explorer include:

ID Description
Fixes a problem in Meridian Explorer in which printer setting were not applied correctly by the Draft Print command.
MRE-2190 The Import Packages command now requires a BC Explorer Standard license (part numbers include M--EXC) or a BC Explorer Plus license (part numbers include M-- EXP) and a BC Explorer Server license (part numbers include M--EXS). The command is unavailable with a a BC Explorer Base license (part numbers include M--EXB).
MRE-2416 The default printer page size and orientation are automatically selected correctly more often during printing. However, some printer drivers do not correctly report the default settings and they might need to be manually selected in some cases.


The maximum size of attachments to comments has been increased from 10 MB to 50 MB.

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